Category Archives: painting

Coyotes, Countdowns and License Plates

We’ll discuss the coyotes first.

I needed 13 miles today.  Ended up running 14.  I was trying to figure out a route…one I haven’t run a zillion times already.  Finally decided to turn right from the end of my street and head towards Limerock.

Limerock is my least favorite route of all.  It is hilly.  The road surface chews up my shoes.  There is no shade in the summer so it is also very hot.

I don’t like running on Limerock.

The weather has cooled off, though, and I knew there was another reason I avoided this road but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember it.  Off I headed towards Limerock.

My first miles down Limerock weren’t too bad!  I noticed clouds rolling in and the wind picking up so I changed my intended route and decided to pick up my last few miles with another pass on Limerock.


It was on that second pass on Limerock that I encountered the other reason I don’t run this road.  Coyotes.

On this road, you have bean fields on your East and cattle on your west.  It’s all wide open.  From the East, three coyotes came skulking off the field.  I can’t stand coyotes!

They ran along beside me, staying in the field for the most part but on my return, they got bold and came out on the road itself.

I am so glad there weren’t any witness to what I was doing because I’m positive I looked ridiculous.  I started waving my arms about and yelling at the top of my lungs, “Shoo!!!  Shoo!!!”

For the most part, the coyotes weren’t too terribly impressed with my display.  They might have yawned? Hahaha!!!  Either way, I got myself off that road as fast as I could and hi-tailed it for home.  I’ve never been so happy to see my house in all my life!  #theresnoplacelikehome


Now for the countdown!

The Mississippi Blues Marathon is one month from today!  How exciting is that!?!

Technically, this race is a training run for the 50 mile race I’ll be running on March 5 but it’ll be so much fun!  Lots and lots of my friends will be there running.  Not just Mississippi friends, either!  I have other friends coming to Mississippi specifically for this race so we can meet IRL!  How awesome is that!?!

I heard today that they re-opened the Quarter Marathon registration again for The Blues.  This part of the race had sold out a couple of weeks ago.  It is a popular distance so it has been re-opened.  If you want to run the Blues, you need to hop on it!   I still have a code to save you $10 off your registration.  Code:  MHMBM19

The medal this year is going to be awesome!  The race this year is honoring the memory of BB King.  The race director is a friend of mine and I had asked him about a kiddie medal for Aiden but he said I could have a real deal medal for him!  Cool Beans!!!


Aiden has quite the medal collection going so I ordered him a medal hanger as one of his Christmas presents.  This medal will look might spiffy on that hanger.  It is my intention to fill that hanger up with some sweet bling!  #IRun4Aiden


Last but most decidedly not least, I have a friend who makes decals, stickers, etc.  He contacted me and asked what I would like for a license plate for the front of my car.  He was going to make one for me.

In Mississippi, we only have plates on the back of our cars.  Nothing on the front.  My friend was going to make the plate for the front of my car.  After thinking about it and talking with him, this is what he made.  I think it’s perfect!!!


Happy Wednesday, all!!!