other thoughts

Head cold and the glories of hot water

[Yesterday:  run/walk 6 miles]

I’ve been feeling a bit out-of-sorts since we arrived back home from our trip to Atlanta last week.  I even took a bit of time off because of it.

Well, yesterday it came down hard as a head cold.  My face is all stuffed up.  My ears are ringing.  I’m sneezing and carrying on.  So far I’m not coughing much, for which I am thankful.

My wife is having the same symptoms.  So we think maybe we got breathed on by the same people in Atlanta.  Maybe there was something in the air at a restaurant or the hotel?

I slept in the guest room last night so that my sneezing and her coughing wouldn’t keep both of us awake.  And I took some Nyquil which does a good job of knocking me out for a few hours.  I think we both actually slept pretty well.

This morning I am sipping hot water.  I don’t do caffeine, so tea and coffee are out.  I guess I could make some hot lemonade.  But hot water does the job.  I can just sip it and it soothes my throat and gets the nose feeling a bit better.   Back when I used to work in the office I could get hot water from a tap on the Bunn coffee machine.  But now I microwave it in a 2-cup pyrex measuring cup.

I’ll miss going to church.  I missed last week because of the travel and now again this week. I can tell when I’ve missed church on Sunday.  About Thursday I start to get grouchy and irritable, really not much fun to be around.  I don’t know if other people notice it, but I do.   (So you all should be happy that I go to church so often, maybe you can be civil without it, but not me.)

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