other thoughts running

Runnning as mental relaxation

[Today’s run: part of Watson Road, about 2 miles]

I was out running on Watson Road, worrying about my checking account being in a perilous state.  Then I finally realized I should move the balance of this other account over there.  I’d have to pay $20 for the wire transfer but that is a lot less than even one overdraft.

So I turned around and zipped back home and got that done.

Sometimes it takes me awhile to figure out what to do.  Going for a run can really help my mind settle down and figure out the basic issues and maybe find a solution.

Running also helps my digestion kind of settle down too.

Running is a “settle down” kind of activity.

(I won’t go into why my account was in a perilous state.  Let’s just say that I have two banker brothers and an accountant father-in-law… and I am neither.)




One reply on “Runnning as mental relaxation”

There was a time when one would maximize the benefit of bank accounts, earning interest by having money in savings and transfer a bare minimum to checking as needed. Now, with current interest rates far to the right of the decimal point, that is hardly worth considering – just keep everything in checking (unless you have debit card – then you may want to mitigate exposure of debit card fraud/theft by having a lower balance). Curiously, the dividend return of owing stock in the bank (at least at my bank) is over 4X higher than the return from having savings _in_ the bank (albeit the former FDIC insured).

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