other thoughts


[Today’s run: 2.25 miles with the dog]

Late last week we traded in our Honda Element for a 2010 Accord.  We had been thinking about it for awhile, and it was convenient so we pushed the button.

I got an email from my blog posting about the Federal audio compressor and that has been sold and shipped off.

And I have a trade in the works to send out my “unknown receiver” to a guy who knows a lot more about tube receivers than I do.  In return he will send me some parts for my own receiver project.

And today I learned that my boss is leaving the company at the end of this month.

Life just keeps moving along.  Neither mountain peak highs nor death valley lows stay around for very long.

I’ve been playing with my 10 Mhz GPSDO.  Part of it’s magic is that it “integrates” the 1 pulse/second  from the GPS into a longer statistical timeframe and compares to the 10,000,000 pulse/second.  In that way it steers the 10 MHz signal to be within a few thousands of a Hertz of dead right frequency.

When you look at the longer view you can be less concerned with short upward or downward trends.