other thoughts


[Monday’s run: 3.2 miles on Watson Road]

I post the radio station schedule for the next day Sunday-Friday on both Facebook and Twitter. I take a day off on Saturday having posted the weekend schedule on Friday evening.

That is pretty much the extent of my Twitter usage.

Awhile ago my lovely wife said the radio station Twitter account should “follow” all of the people that follow the radio station’s account, kind of a quid pro quo I guess.

I have to say that the few times I start reading in Twitter land, I have not been well impressed. I like when people just say what they are doing or how their life is going. But a lot of people seem to use it for dropping their baggage of the day, frequently with a political angle of some sort.

I don’t blame people for having baggage or even that they are passionate about politics. But also I don’t think it is very healthy to consume from that firehose for long.

My purpose for being on Twitter is to get some exposure for the radio station and get the schedule out there in a public place which may attract more listeners. So I try to just post the schedule and move on.