other thoughts

Kind of drug out

[today’s run: Watson road minus a bit at the end where there are still fallen trees blocking the road – 3+ miles]

The last couple of days I have been tired a lot.  I’m thinking maybe I’m not getting enough sleep.  I frequently awaken at night with heartburn.  I feel fine as long as I’m nibbling all day. When I stop eating or when I lie down then I get heartburn.  Anyway, I wake up in the night and play solitaire on my phone for awhile then go back to sleep.

I think I either need to quit eating, find something different to eat or go back to the doctor who told me I need to lose weight when I went in with the same complaint a year ago.

I’m probably just dying.  It’s been a good life and I’ll miss you all.

(P.s.  been watching too much “House M. D.” too)