Monthly Archives: July 2015

Runner’s World Cover Contest Update

I know y’all are probably sick to death of hearing about this contest.  You have been so totally and completely fabulous through the whole thing and I can’t thank you enough.

I thought I’d just take a sec to fill you in on where things stand right now.

The initial voting ended yesterday.  To be honest, I thought that meant the voting stopped at that time.  I was wrong.

Once July 23 rolled over on the calendar, round two of voting commenced!  During this round of voting (which ends on August 16th) the judges are selecting 100 runners who will move on to the semi-finals.


Voting is still very, very important during this time!

As of this time (I just took a peek) we are standing at #27 (2096 votes) out of all the entries!  Isn’t that amazing!?!  You have humbled me.  Day after day I sit at my laptop and shake my head at the support you have showered on me.

There are a lot of fabulous runners in this contest!  Very deserving runners!  Yet, here we are, among some of the greats of running…giving them a run for their money!  I really don’t understand it at all.  I mean, I’m just….me!

August 27, 2015, the judges will announce who will move on to the semi-finals.  100 runners.  We might have a shot of moving on if we keep on voting!

I hate to ask you to keep voting day in and day out…you’ve done so much already!

All I can say is a great big HUGE and heartfelt, Thank You!

Here’s the link (again.)