Category Archives: Paxton

Has It Been A Year Already!?! #MyDogWoreNeckties


Last year at this time was very difficult.  I know so many people had much more challenging things happening but losing Kali and Paxton within a month of each other was so hard.  I think losing his mom and his #BFF was hardest of all on Castro.  He’s never bounced back from the goofy, carefree kitty he was before.  I think he misses his evening walks with Kali (his mama) and Paxton.  The three of them were inseparable.

There was a special bond between Paxton and Castro.

After Paxton’s biopsy surgery to check out the tumors on his legs, he still tried to be involved in family things.  If you recall, he was a huge supporter of the Plank Challenges! The cone of shame made it difficult to be super active in “helping” with the planks but he was there supervising!

On January 22, it will be one full year since I woke up to find my sweet, necktie wearing, pudgy pooch had wormed out of his cone of shame and tried to chew one of the tumors out of his leg.  It was one of the most gut wrenching things I’ve experienced and I still feel so awful that I feel asleep and couldn’t stop that from happening!!!  My poor, poor puppy!

Almost a full year ago, Paxton walked down for his very last visit to the cows.  After he visited his friends he was at peace and ready to go.

He was such a happy puppy getting to see his friends!  I remember him limping back to the house, his head bobbing in pain but his heart so full of happiness because he got to say goodbye to his friends.

The memories have been flooding back this week.

Remember how much he hated storms!?!

Remember how much he loved #PinkPuppy?  *side note:  Paxton and #PinkPuppy were cremated together.

Nobody can forget how much Paxton LOVED his Nutty Bars!!!  What a silly puppy!  No wonder he had such a svelte puppy figure!

The stunts he’d pull to get a nibble of a Nutty Bar.

Then again, I’m a bit of a soft touch.

Remembering, with much fondness and love, my one of a kind~they broke the mold when they made that dog~necktie wearing and very pudgy pooch, Paxton.

R. I. P. Paxton

*You can read last years blog if you aren’t familiar with Paxton and his illness: