other thoughts

In which our hero discovers a health tip

[Today’s run: 2 miles]

On Monday morning I went to my new wifi spot of choice, Bojangles.  On a whim I decided to try one of their multitude of “biscuit” dishes along with my milk and cinnamon twist.  So I picked the sausage biscuit.  I ate it.  It was good.

After I picked up the wife at the Y and we went home, I started to feel really tired and achy and just not too good.  I figured it must be a cold coming on, so I took the rest of the day off.

Felt great yesterday.  Boy, I’m glad I headed off that cold.

This morning, back to Bojangles, that sausage biscuit was good, let’s have that again.

As I type this I feel all achy and I have a headache and I really want to go take a nap.

Hmm.  I wonder what they put in those biscuits?