Ham Radio video work

Twenty Twenty Five

[1/1, 1/6, 1/8: 3.2 miles; 1/4: 5.5 miles]

So now it is 2025. I’m not sure I was exactly awake for all of that. I drive a 2016 car, the newest one we have, and that still sounds kind of recent to me.

On the other hand, I’ve been working 5+ years at a job I started in 2019 and the job I did from 1998-2019, that seems far away.

My wife sent me a meme thing where some kid at school asks their teacher about the “late 1900s.” It has been 25 years since Y2K.

I was happy the other day to do that antenna tuning job and play around with some of my fancy test equipment for the first time in a long while. That was a lot of fun. I want to do more of that.

I recently got the fancy spectrum analyzer torn apart and sure enough, the movers had knocked it hard enough to break the CRT. That actually takes quite a bit of effort. The glass is about a quarter inch thick. I haven’t decided yet if I want to try to repair it or replace the CRT with an LCD module or maybe even move on to something completely different. I’m leaning toward the LCD module but I would need to sell some other stuff.

A week or so ago I bought a 10 year old digital SLR from off of facebook marketplace. I was thinking maybe I would play with it for my youtube recording. But it turns out it will only do 30 minutes of video before shutting itself off. And that is not really a tragedy because I’m kind of happier with the old cctv camera I have been using anyway.

But I have taken a few pictures with the new camera and I’m enjoying that. If I get tired of it I’ll send it off to my son who needs a couple of cheaper cameras for dirty jobs or when people ask to borrow one.

We have had some interesting weather, cold, stormy, the usual winter stuff. The other night we were under a tornado warning for a couple of hours so we poked at our phones while resting on the floor in the closet. The lights blinked a few times but otherwise things went along as normal.

Tonight is supposed to bring ice and maybe some snow. The schools and businesses have declared they will be closed tomorrow.

On Saturday I had a really nice run in Starkville, then had a nice conversation with my father-in-law and then had another nice conversation with my nephew at the Waffle House. On Sunday we went to a women’s basketball game at MSU where the home team had a good first quarter and then lost big.

This week at work everyone is back on board and we’ve been knocking out some small tasks getting ready to do a software release. And I got to spend an hour+ doing the annual sexual harassment training. So if you need someone harassed or bullied, I know exactly what to do. I have a training certificate to prove it.