[This evening’s run: 3.2 miles]
The little bit of text I have for this part says it is more of the 1965 trip to RMNP. But I think the car is newer than that. I believe it may be a 1966 or 67 Plymouth station wagon. I’m not 100% sure on any of this.
At the end there is a shot of a stone building with windows which I do not recognize. It might be an earlier incarnation of the Trail Ridge Store?

3 replies on “Another bit of home movie”
The Crest House at the summit of Mount Blue Sky
We went to Mt. Evans (now Mt. Blue Sky) once that I remember as a side trip to RMNP. I think the Fury III station wagon may have been the 1965 model year. Here’s a video that seems to match the tail light pattern. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mHoXAPClAsw?app=desktop