Iowa Mississippi


[Monday: 3 miles on treadmill; Thursday: 3 miles; Today: 3 miles]

I put in a strong day today on the porch project. The siding is complete on two of the three sides. I’m doing some work on the screen door and I hope to finish that and the siding on that face tomorrow. Then I need to do caulking and painting on a warmer day. Also I haven’t yet done anything on the inside. We are leaning toward a drywall interior. I’m not sure that I have time for that. But we will get it in some kind of condition in the next couple of weeks.

We were watching some TV this evening and I packed up two boxes of china using old t-shirts as wrap/padding.

I have a lot of loose radio/electronics parts that I need to start boxing up.

We have been on the phone with movers and still figuring that out.

I don’t know if I mentioned in my last post, but it looks like we are going to move back into our same house in Columbus.

One reply on “Packing”

Sounds like a lot of progress. Maybe you have taken some “before” shots to compare to “after” for when you sell and also for personal satisfaction? (Also electricity to the garage.) That could help lift the market price when selling.

FWIW, if you want to do something similar when moving back (painting, flooring, fixtures…), do it before the move, not after boxes and stuff are in the way. (We sorely need new flooring but the hassle of living here at the same time finds us putting it off indefinitely.) The nice thing is that you lived there before so probably have ideas…

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