Ham Radio

Finished the AVNA

[Saturday run: 8 miles in Starkville; today: 3.4 miles]

I finished the Audio Vector Network Analyzer.  A VNA uses an oscillating signal to characterize the electrical properties of one or more electrical elements (resistors, inductors, capacitors) and gives information about the way the signal is modified by the “network” of elements.

The Audio VNA uses oscillating signals in the audio frequency range 10 to 40,000 cycles per second (Hertz).

One thing I can use it for is to measure unknown resistors, capacitors and inductors.  Just hook the device-under-test up to Z-input and Gnd, and then touch the screen where it says “What ?”  and it will scan the thing and tell me what the resistance, capacitance and inductance values are.

There are more things that a person could do with it, but I’m still figuring that out.