other thoughts

Tired and Cranky

[today’s run: 3.5 miles on Watson Road]

After all of the excitement of last week and the driving this  weekend I’m a bit of a grouch.

And missing church for two weekends doesn’t help.

People who don’t like church seem to think the sermons are all about how specially holy the people in the pews are.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard a sermon like that in my life, not that I remember anyway.  The sermons I hear are about how humans are inherently flawed and need intervention from God to keep from self destruction.  And the preacher is usually looking at me when he says that kind of thing.

So, having missed church for two weeks in a row I can see that the frequent reminder is something I’ve come to rely on.  If I was more disciplined about daily reading or meditation I probably could make a bit of a dent in that.  The Facebook Live recordings from our missed church services do help.

We had a great time in Colorado at our daughter’s wedding.  There were a lot of relatives there including all of my siblings and most of my aunts and uncles.

I had three days of vacation and 4 days of driving and we made it back home safely

7 replies on “Tired and Cranky”

The wedding was a lot of fun! We got to have the bride and groom all to ourselves later in the week and that was really special.

It’s not that the pew people are holy, it’s that they believe their belief is the correct one and the beliefs of others are incorrect. (Also that sin is a genetic condition – inherently flawed, self-destruction.)

I owe your #1 daughter a debt of gratitude. Seeing everyone together, even for such a short time, was wonderful.

Everyone believes their beliefs are the correct ones and contrary beliefs are incorrect. That is the definition of belief.

…belief that many beliefs are correct vs only one.

Philosophically, since a belief is, by definition, a matter of faith, they are pretty much all the same. None can be proven. If they could, there would be no faith.

That’s my gripe with the disciples. They saw the miracles of Christ in person. The rest of us, who didn’t see walking on water, water into wine, pick up bed and walk, mud on eyes make blind man see, etc., have to have greater deeper faith. To maintain the same standard, Christ would have to return and do the same. Doubting Thomas saw Christ. Everyone else, years later, are to rely on the story. (And don’t get me started on blind people five blocks away who Christ didn’t walk by and spit in the mud to help them….)

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