other thoughts

Rock the Kasbah

[Today: 3.5 miles]

After work this evening I wanted to go to the library and get another book to read.  But my sweetie wanted to watch TV.  So we watched TV.  But she let me pick out the show.  And I picked a movie:  Rock the Kasbah starring Bill Murray.

The movie is about a talent producer who ends up stranded in Kabul, Afghanistan.  He chances upon a girl who likes to sing old Cat Stevens songs and he overcomes many obstacles to get her into the Afghan version of  American Idol where she does her thing and everybody lives happily ever after.

It is kind of a mix of Hollywood and comedy set in the country of The Hurt Locker.  It’s somewhat weird.

But, overall it was OK.    Probably about on par with reading another Jesse Stone detective novel which is what I was aiming for.

One other thing:  these movies about Afghanistan.  Does the place really look that bad?  all dried up mountains and hills?   It looks like the far side of the moon.


2 replies on “Rock the Kasbah”

The Google Earth image I saw was from November 2009, and it looks pretty dry. But it might be really green in the spring. There are some trees and what look like agricultural fields of some sort. Aren’t the Afghan poppies used for opium production? I think the Taliban may have shut some of that activity down in the past.

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