other thoughts

old truck part 2

[today’s run: nothing yet]

I was able to connect with the City of Olive Branch yesterday.  I spoke to the vehicle maintenance guy and the money person.

According to the maintenance guy, the truck had been running rough and they just parked it two years ago and didn’t use it anymore.  Finally someone decided they needed to clear things out, so they put it up for auction.

The Money Lady told me what I needed to send in the way of paperwork.  I went to the post office yesterday and shipped them a USPS Money Order and the appropriate papers.

I also called a local repair place to go and collect the truck and tow it to their shop.  He said the tow plus diagnostics would be $125.  Then after that we talk about what might need to be fixed.  But they can’t tow it until the Money Lady is happy, probably a couple of days for the mail to arrive.

The repair shop is open on Saturdays.  That is important.  It means I may be able to get up there and get the thing without taking a day off from work.  I have lots and lots of vacation days piled up.  But it seems harder than ever to get a day off.

Best case scenario would be that the thing just needs a bit of exercise to be happy.  Next best would be some small fix like spark plugs or something.  If I can drive it safely home the 150+ miles, then I can do brakes, shocks, etc. on my own after that.

I’m excited to hear what the mechanic has to say.


I also spent some time contemplating next steps for the radio station project.  I made a bit of a list of things yet to be done.  I have determined that it would not be so smart to be downloading new audio-books into our library with the same computer we are using to play them out over the radio.  I am on the look-out for a cheap laptop.  I think that should be do-able.   That’s in addition to the various other things I had already thought of, the single largest of which is the $2400 EAS/CAP box we need to buy and install.

But we have a path from the computer play-out to the antenna!  Cool stuff.


2 replies on “old truck part 2”

I found a typo: “libray.”

Missing R…

It reminded me that when I lived in Oakland for nearly a decade(a wonderful city that, sadly, attracts protestors who carry signs and march by day then burn and loot by night), folks pronounced it “libary.” Which further reminds me that every once in awhile I put an R in “wash” (“warsh”) — even though I try not to.

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