
Missed church this week

[today’s run: 3.4 miles]

It’s been raining a lot recently.  That and the travel have me somewhat discombobulated.

But I tell you thing that really messes me up is if I miss going to church on Sunday like I did this week.  I can tell, long about Wednesday, that something is lacking.

I guess if I weren’t so lazy I could take down the books and do some study myself.  That would be a good thing.

I do get a little bit from listening to “Truth for Life” most evenings before we go to bed.  But I think in that case I miss the music.

I remember as a  kid really not enjoying church.  I tended to think it was a “gotta do” thing.  But from this vantage point I think it’s a foundational thing for a good week.  At least it is for me.  It reminds me that, if I mess up in some big way in the next 7 days,  what I do isn’t the most important thing in the world.

2 replies on “Missed church this week”

And with school we were at the place 6 days a week. Now I’m down to once or twice a week. But I miss it when I hit zero.

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