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Blog delinquent

[Thursday: 3.4 miles, Today: 6 miles]

I was informed by the Social Director that our dance card was too full to go to the running club in Starkville this morning, so we are going to do our 6 miles here from home.

At noon we are supposed to be at the Columbus/Lowndes library in Columbus for an Artisan Fair to represent the radio station project.  We’ve never been to this event, but it is free and we could really use the publicity.  That lasts until 3 pm, I think.

Tomorrow we have church in the morning (Easter Sunday), then we have people coming over for dinner.  Part of my job on Easter is to come up with a “hunt”.  I think this year may be somewhat lame, I’m leaning toward a geocache.

This week was a busy one.  I had a job interview on Wednesday down in Jackson.  I suppose it might be possible that my present (and/or future) co-workers might be reading this, so let me say from the top that continuity of support at my current position is in the forefront of my mind.  But given that, the new place looked very attractive.  We will have to see what develops.  One loss would be the luxury of working from home 100%.  But I think maybe some of that would be possible still, we didn’t directly discuss it.

We had a meeting with a radio station board-of-directors candidate this week.  He said yes!  That was the last one on our list of new members.   So now we need to hold a small old-board meeting and elect the new board members.  Then I can get rolling with our 501(c)3 application.

I tell you, one bummer from the week was finding out that they changed our health insurance coverage in a way that messes me up a bit.  Up to this year they had eye appointments, check-ups, mammograms, and other such-like things in a category called “wellness” which was paid 100% and was not subject to the deductible.  My son went in for an eye exam and I found out that “out of network” wellness is now just like any other medical thing, 70% paid after the deductible.  And since the network is only in Colorado, everything for us is “out of network”.  Sigh.    I am thankful for health insurance, and my family uses it.  It is a great benefit. But it is still a bummer when there is another step in the inexorable push backwards in my pay and benefits.

I went to the DMV yesterday to renew my CDL learner’s permit and the lady there told me that the rules have changed, I need a DOT physical.  I knew that was going to happen when I got my real license, so this is just a bit earlier than I had anticipated.  With the new health insurance change, that means I’ll end up paying 100% (not having met my deductible).   Now I have to decide if I really want to renew it that badly.    The neighbor with his new trucking company, and I had talked about it, trying to get me some time in the cab for training.  But the winter went by and it never happened.  I’m not so sure it will happen in the summer either.  So, do I want to potentially waste $100 for a DOT physical and permit renewal?  Just another decision to be made.

This is why I need to go to church every Sunday:  it helps give me some perspective.  I have decisions because I have opportunities.  I have opportunities because I have resources.  I am thankful to God for the resources and the opportunities and I ask for help on the decisions.

One other thing this week was my participation in the blood drive down at the Mennonite school in Brooksville.  After giving blood they have cinnamon rolls from the country store.  Good stuff.  So that was a treat.  (And it may explain why I am a little less perky these days.)

2 replies on “Blog delinquent”

At our age, an annual physical is not a bad idea, regardless of the motivation.

About the earlier post on compensation, I work in a company of 275,000 employees and the culture is one where you get a big bump in compensation if you move to another group. Otherwise you pretty much tread water with small yearly raises. I have seen it in my group where someone leaves, taking with them years of experience and knowledge, and the replacement is hired, knows just enough to get by, spends the first year ramping up, and is paid more (often a lot more) than the person who left. Another dynamic is what I’ll call shiny people. Self-promoters. They use words like “absolutely” and “excellence” and “action item” etc. They generally get paid more than those who simply put their shoulder against the wheel and get the work done. But shiny people can be good if your group is headed by one. When times are lean and cuts are made, the teams working under the shiny people generally escape the worst of it.

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