Mississippi outdoors

Went fishing

[Today’s run: 8 miles]

My son and I went fishing for a bit this afternoon at the Noxubee wildlife refuge.  I had heard of the place but had never been there before.  There are multiple lakes and all sorts of places to fish.  I think the largest lake would best be done with a boat instead of from the shore.

But, we did try our luck from this walkway through the trees.  I decorated the trees a bit with my lost tackle, as have many others.

No fish where harmed.

noxubee refuge lake

2 replies on “Went fishing”

Fishing is One More Thing That I’m Not Good At ™.

I live (while in Colorado) next to what the locals tell me is a great fly-fishing spot, so so far, I haven’t tried my luck with fly fishing, either. I just can’t figure out how to make a hook small enough for the flies to bite it.

N.B. – Mississippi has the BEST place names : )

Fly fishing has it’s charms.

I like standing in the water, and I get entertainment from throwing the line around even if I don’t catch anything.

With fly fishing you can make the most nasty knots in a single piece of string while continuously holding only one end. It’s almost like magic.

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