other thoughts

New coffee maker, same as the old coffee maker

[Today’s run: rest day]

I don’t drink coffee.

But my wife drinks coffee and when she tried to make some this morning the coffee maker didn’t work.  I took it apart and discovered that the heating element was electrically open, meaning that the thing no longer would heat.

So while we were in town this morning I bought a coffee maker at Wal-Mart along with a short list of groceries.

The new one is exactly like the old one except it is white instead of black. $16.xx, for two year’s life.


One reply on “New coffee maker, same as the old coffee maker”

About eight years ago I was taking a break from work and found a passport and other materials left at a phone kiosk (tells you how long ago it was – no such thing these days – at least not in the San Franciso financial district on Market Street), took it with me, found the guy and called him. He was a local, was happy to have the call, gave me $25 when he came for the passport etc., and I bought an insulated 4-cup coffee maker on sale at nearby Starbucks for $25 (on sale). Good to know there are people out there as scatter brained as I am (sometimes).

I found later the insulation seal doesn’t seal when hand washing and fully submerging – water got into the sidewall. So I called and complained and they sent me a new pot no questions asked and am now careful to not fully submerge.

I use a wall timer to have coffee made before 7 even though I may not get up until after 7. Coffee is warm and waiting. Not burnt for having been sitting in the pot while waiting for me to get out of bed. To me that defines living large.

I have unlimited free coffee at work but nice to have it at home first thing.

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