other thoughts

Nephews and Nieces

[Today’s run: 8 miles  (Poor House Road)]

I generally leave the younger folks out of my blog.  But I have a nice picture of my nephew and me from about 6 years ago that I found recently.  He’s changed a lot since then.

I have 4 nieces and 4 nephews.  My sister’s children are all adults.  My wife’s sister’s children are in high school.  I have one nephew that I’ve never met because he passed away before we were able to meet.  I have two brothers who, as far as I know, have never had children.  Which is kind of a shame since they both would have been good fathers, in my opinion.  But that’s not my call to make.  I’m glad to have the nieces and nephews that I do.

It’s my wife’s sister’s children that we are able to see most often because we live closer to them.  For awhile when they were small they would come over and spend the night at our house periodically.  But they got bigger and it became harder to manage.  So we haven’t done that in awhile.
