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2021 has not gone exactly how I envisioned it?  At least not yet, anyway!  There’s still lots more of the year to go and I’m positive things will turn around and be great!!!

In early January y’all know I broke my foot. This accident meant I would have to pass on my first race of 2021, the #MS50TrailRun.  I’d been working pretty hard on preparing for this race as my comeback race post surgery from last fall.

The #MS50TrailRun is the best ultra in Mississippi and always a great time!!!  Can’t beat the mud and water, friends and fun!  I was looking forward to heading back to Mississippi to run the trails and see my friends.

Seeing as I would only have 2 weeks out of the boot to prepare for a 50k, this was definitely not going to happen and I sadly asked the RD (Race Director) to give my spot to another runner because the race was sold out.

These things happen and it’s best to just roll with it, right?

I turned my attention towards my June 50k.  War Hammer.

Now War Hammer was going to be my HARD race of 2021.  Lots of elevation and technical trails.  I was going to have to be in tip top shape on race day and the training was going to have to dialed in for this adventure!

Sad news:  The foot doc told me last Thursday that I had to spend another month in the boot.  The foot has not healed all the way. Thankfully I AM allowed to walk on the TM and that’s a very happy thing!!!

My coach and I chatted last week and came to the conclusion that two months in the boot meant there was no way I could be ready for the challenges at War Hammer.

I was registered for the 50k because I’d heard this race was tough!  I was excited to tackle the 4000+ elevation gain it promised!

Doesn’t this look like a blast!?!  I’m going to try to run it next year!!!

So, what am I going to run in 2021?  I’m so glad you asked!!!

In March I’ll be running the Virtual Antarctica Half Marathon.

***I can’t tell y’all how thankful I am for all the virtual races available right now!!!  They have been my saving grace through the COVID stuff and now my foot.  They keep my training focused and on track.  They’re amazing!!!

In April, Aiden and I will be running the Whistle Stop Challenge for the 2nd year in a row.  This race is a 3 day race:  A 5k, 10k and 15k, three days in succession.  It’s lots of fun!!!

In May, I’ll be running an IRL (In Real Life) race in Corinth, Mississippi, the Coke 10k!!!  This race is near and dear to my heart and I run it every year (except for the year #1 Son graduated from college on race day #FamilyFirst).

Also in May, Aiden and I will be tackling the #GVRAT1000k again!  Last year this worked out so well for Aiden and I to keep our summer training focused and on track.  Plus, it was tons of fun!!!  We’re excited to run virtually, across the state of Tennessee again!

Finally this takes us to our “A” race for 2021, the Yippee-Ki-Yay 50k in October.  This race is in Council Bluffs, Iowa close to the Omaha, Nebraska area.  It’s a rails to trails race.

Now, I was going to keep my goal for this race under my hat because I don’t like missing a goal but seeing as 2021 is already in a bit of turmoil, I’m going to toss my goal out there and y’all can hold me accountable in my training, okay?

Explanation:  I live within 5 miles of Heritage Trail which also is a rail to trail with pretty much the exact same surface as the Yippee-Ki-Yay 50k.  Seeing as I can train my little heart out in practically the same racing conditions, I’ve set my goal to PR my 50k time.  My 50k PR is 7 hours, 4 minutes and change or somewhere around in there.  I set this PR back in 2015…back when I was a whole lot younger!

This is a huge goal but I’m not afraid of a challenge!  Let’s see how we do, shall we?  Ekkk…I’m nervous just admitting this out loud!!!

So yes, 2021 is looking nothing like I thought is would look like just a few weeks ago but sometimes thinking on your feet is a good thing, right?

Here’s to a fabulous 2021!!!

Happy Running, everyone!
