car project

A new car!*

[Saturday 7/16: 5 miles; Monday 7/18: 3.2; Wednesday 7/20: 3.4; Saturday 7/23: 6.6 miles]

A week ago we had a little adventure. On Saturday the 16th I picked up a trailer at the local U-haul place. Then on Sunday I pulled it down to Meridian. There we swapped the trailer from my pick-up truck to the big van. And from there we drove to Birmingham, Alabama.

South of Birmingham we met a nice man in an upscale residential area. He was clearing out some stuff left over from his parent’s estate which included a 1976 MG Midget which had been sitting for a long time. The license plate was 1997 I think.. some such time long ago.

Not having the key, the steering wheel was locked in a position that was not completely straight ahead. That made our efforts a bit complicated. But with the help of the seller and his friend, myself and my son, we were able to get the car on the trailer.

From there we drove back to my house.

Then we had a similar issue getting it off of the trailer. With some help from a neighbor we eventually got that accomplished.

The secret at both ends was to have three people and just lift up the front of the car and scootch it around.

So now I have another British convertible to work on. This one is rusty, but not quite as rusty as the first one. On the down side it has water in the oil sump so there could be some serious engine issues.

But it was really cheap so we will have some fun with it and see how it goes.

My plan is to procure a key, change the oil, and see if we can get it to turn over. After that (if it happens), we will test compression, spark and fuel and see if we can get it to run.

footnote: imagine “A New Car!” in the voice of that announcer guy on the Bob Barker version of The Price Is Right.