
Down to the wire

[Today’s run: 3.66 miles on the Riverwalk]

My co-workers are testing and fixing and doing all sorts of last minute things for the big show on Friday.

I’m helping out as I can. We are to the point where adding new features would just be more things that need tested and could go wrong.

Officially my time with them is over as of the end of the day tomorrow. But, if they asked me I think I could help out. As long as someone is willing to pay the bill for the hours, it will probably all work out OK.

One reply on “Down to the wire”

Just make sure everyone wears black turtlenecks and acts like they are doing a TED talk. Adopt positive, aspirational verbiage. (We just watched “The Dropout” so it’s top of mind.) “We believe that a slow system boot-up gives the user more time to collect thoughts and focus on objectives…”

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