other thoughts

Businesses that I Love to Hate

[yesterday’s run: 3.5 miles]

I’ve been running out of checks over the last few weeks.  I don’t write a lot of checks, maybe 5 a month for our church contribution and another 5-10 each month for bill paying.  Buying checks is one of those things where I always feel like I’m getting ripped off.  It’s just a pad of paper.  Ok, so I have “duplicate” checks so there is a bit more complexity to it.  But it is not rocket science.  And the business of publishing checks must be decreasing since fewer people are using them.

But the check publishing companies don’t care, they still whack you for as much as they can get.

Anyway, the last time I ordered checks it was from ChecksUnlimited.  I get their promotional emails about once a week.  Today’s email said I could get BOGO  (buy one, get one).  That sounded like it may actually be worthwhile.  I went to their web site.  I found the cheapest checks I could get.  I fended off their attempts to sell me identity theft insurance and fancy checkbook covers and address labels and all sorts of other junk.  I got to the very last page where I can give a final look-over and push “Submit Order”.  And here I see that they have added $6.90 in unexplained “handling charge.”

So I called up the 800 number and the nice customer service lady says they have a “standard handling charge” of $3.45 per box no matter how the order is made (web, phone, blah blah).

They don’t just add the $3.45 into the  listed cost of each box, no.  They tack on a fee on the last screen just because of the love between us;  not!

So I’m going to shop around and see if I can do better, which I probably can’t.  And I most likely will be back at this screen in a week or so and push the “Submit Order” and get my checks and just build up more disdain for their  low-down, dirty, sneaking, underhanded, smells-like-a-skunk, snakelike behavior.


2 replies on “Businesses that I Love to Hate”

We don’t use many checks either. Reordering every few years sends me on a “best deal” hunt as well, mainly because we like the duplicate check option. Mike does all the bill paying because he’s a sweet guy. If I write a check it’s easy for him to put into Quickbooks when there’s a duplicate…no remembering on my part required.

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