other thoughts

Ok, back to business

[Today’s run: 3.5 miles]

I’m getting settled in again, enjoying the peace and quiet.

I had a nice run this evening.  The summer heat will soon be upon us, but so far things aren’t too bad.

I’m still doing the radio station stuff, a big chunk on Sunday afternoon and then another half hour or so each evening to get the next day’s schedule settled and posted on the WMFH-LP we page/blog.

Wife and I watched “The Princess Bride” on Netflix, started it last night and finished it at lunchtime today.  That was fun.  Netflix seems to have picked up a few good movies recently.  We watched The Truman Show, and some of The Longest Day. Our series shows we had been watching all ran out of new episodes.

We looked at a new (used) car yesterday.  We took it for a test drive but decided it was too much $$$.  I’m getting where I really like quiet and comfy.  But my finances won’t let me go full de-luxe quiet yet.  Well used, 2nd hand de-luxe, maybe.  Anyway, it was very comfy and very quiet but had too many zoom-zoom features for me.  I don’t need paddle shifters; let the automatic do the shifting, that’s why there’s an X-speed multi-thousand-dollar  computerized-moon-launch-by-NASA  transmission in there.

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