
Things are heating up at work

[Saturday: 5+ miles; today: 3.5 miles]

Things are heating up at work.

We purchased two new database servers recently and on the first Saturday in April I am supposed to transfer the daily operations to the new servers.

My new co-worker and I have laid out a plan for that day and it’s going to be busy for about 12 hours.  And in the days leading up to that I have a lot of stuff to accomplish.   Not only that, but I have two new layers of bosses asking me for updates and other reassurances that things are going to turn out well.

Actually, I think the bosses have given up.  I should have told them I wasn’t a team player when they joined the team.  Oh well.

Anyway, two more weeks of nose-to-the-grindstone and then it will be over.


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