Ham Radio


[Today’s run: rest day]

This evening I went to the monthly meeting of the Lowndes County Amateur Radio Club
LOCO ARC in Columbus. They have a nice building in town and usually have a good turnout.

Before the meeting tonight I helped string up a new dipole/g5rv antenna. At the meeting we talked about new repeater equipment, a Memorial Day special event station, our Field Day plans, working with the Red Cross for emergency communications training and weather spotter training. There was a newly licensed ham to applaud and a man interested in radio who expects to take his license test soon.

It was a good meeting. I think there were about a dozen people in attendance.  I’m new in the area and have been to 4 or 5 meetings in the last year. The guys are very friendly and I enjoy the meetings.

This picture is at the end of the meeting when things were breaking up, people were just talking a bit.