other thoughts

Those Austrians

[today’s run: (run/walk) 7 miles]

So, yesterday the President was all over how these murderous rampages only happen in America and if we had stricter gun control laws, well, things would just be wonderful.

And today a guy in Austria plows into a crowd with his car then jumps out and stabs people with a knife.

You’d almost think the NRA scripted it.

Can we at least agree that some small minority of people, usually men, seem to think that killing strangers is the way to go?  Between these events and the normal undercurrent of robbery, rape and murder, one might start to question the fundamental goodness of human nature.

One reply on “Those Austrians”

I find comfort in your assessment that this kind of barbarous act is generally confined to a small population. Which is why I can’t extrapolate to human nature as a whole.

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