Ham Radio Operating


[Today’s run: 4 and 3/4 miles]

Over the weekend I finished breaking and repairing the old NCX-5 and got it all buttoned back up.  A big circular exercise.  One lasting improvement is that I put a grommet on the power cable.  I happen to have a handy supply of grommets.  Not everyone can say that.

After all of that fun I cleared off the radio desk and put the old TS-820 in primary position.  I got the TLF logging program going on the old laptop and started to do a little contesting.  This weekend was the big CQ WW DX CW contest.  [translation:  CQ magazine sp0nsors the WorldWide DX (distance) CW (morse code) contest]  This particular contest is a good one for contacting new countries around the globe.  I picked up a some good ones:  Shetland Islands, Guam, Iceland are a few I remember.

I will need to tidy up my contest log in the next couple of days and send it in.  Then I can also send it to the LogbookOfTheWorld  (LoTW) on the ARRL website and see if I get any QSLs that way  (QSL: confirmation of contact)

I’m over 100 countries in LoTW now.  If I wanted to pay for the ARRL to send me a DXCC plaque I could do that.  Maybe someday I will.

I think the average man-on-the-street would be surprised that someone in Iceland spends a weekend in November trying to manage a pile-up of people from around the world attempting to contact them via morse code.  The same time as a guy from Guam is doing the same.  See, lots of people all around the world have things in common.

Oh, and I got a shipment of real QSL cards today from the Zero-Land card burro.  Here’s an example, a card from a contact in last year’s CQ WW DX CW Contest: