other thoughts

Figuring out stuff

[Today’s run: rest day]

We have hit a little slippery spot in our otherwise slow ease toward modernity.

Yesterday my wife said she couldn’t wait any longer and that I had to have my birthday present.  My birthday is in November, so only two more months.  But sometimes a guy has to do what his wife tells him to do.

So she hauled out an Acer notepad computer which came upon the local for-sale scene at a good price.  I was able to wipe out the very few things that the former owner had initialized.  And I got the latest Android software downloaded.  And I’ve been playing with it quite a bit.

(Right now I’m back at my normal keyboard.)

Keyboard is an issue.  Blog posting didn’t work so well.  Maybe there is a better way to do it.  Voice recognition actually worked pretty well.  Maybe there is a handwriting thingy in there that I haven’t found yet.

I like the gizmo-ness of the thing.  It has an internal GPS and camera and you can download lots of apps for it.  And it works as a “reader” like a kindle also.

I think I’m going to like it.  It works really well for browsing and for reading email.  I don’t like the Facebook app as much as using regular browser-based Facebook.

I think it has a lot of features that I don’t know about or understand yet.

Also yesterday we bought a 2nd controller for my son’s PS-3.  He and I have played X-Box together quite a bit.  But I don’t know PS-3.  He transitioned from PS-3 a couple of years ago and I hadn’t played two-player video shoot-em-up with him in a long time.  I’m  learning the PS-3 buttons for the game he is playing these days.

Here’s another picture from the Iowa State Fair: steer judging.



2 replies on “Figuring out stuff”

I am sure it is legit, but a lot of phone and pads are being stolen out here then sold at flea markets (and the like). People are walking around with $300-$600 portable devices – an easy target…

I wasn’t really in on it. But in prior cases it has been college students. Some rich uncle buys them a laptop or fancy thing and they would rather cash it in and buy something else (or some beer, or pay their parking tickets or something)

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