Moving and Porting

Moving and Porting

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Most Unix software systems are put together with a combination of compiled 3gl (C, COBOL, Fortran), a few shell, Perl or TCL scripts, a bunch of Makefiles, maybe some 4gl (like Informix 4gl, Unify Accell, or Oracle SQL*Forms & PL/SQL), sometimes even an RDBMS with a schema, triggers, the works! Moving that software system from platform to platform can be a challenge.

At Daylight Software we are experienced with a wide range of Unix flavors. We can build that database, load the data, convert the source code, port the Makefiles, and then explain it all, in gruesome detail if you so desire.

For more information visit How to Contact Us, or return to the Daylight Software banner page.
Daylight Software Copyright © 1996-1999
Revised: November, 1999