
Cedar seeds?

[2/1: 3.1 miles; 2/4 5 miles; 2/9: 3 miles; 2/12: 3.1 miles]

The dead-end road back to our little neighborhood is approximately half a mile long. And this morning it was sprinkled with cedar pollen? seeds?

We had some wind overnight and a few days of cool wet weather this past week. But today was sunny.

At work we just finished two 60-hour weeks and and a nearly 50 hour week before that. This was to meet a software deadline. The week before last all of the gang living nearby was required to work 10 hour days at the office. I was getting ready to go north, but they decided I didn’t need to. And last week they relented and said everyone could work some days from home.

One of our group (there are about 15 of us?) has decided having to haul himself on an hour-long commute to do 10 hour days on-site was a good reason to find a different job local to where he lives.

We are supposed to be back to normal hours starting tomorrow.

So, in the last three weeks my available time off balance has gone from -5 hours to +45 (?) something like that.

I’ve been handling the extra hours by rolling up to the computer before my usual time, and going back to it for an hour after dinner. With the usual break for lunch and a break for shower and a break for dinner, I was starting around 5:30 or 6:00 am and finishing about 6 pm. From that 12-13 hours I figured I had 10-11 of actual work. And that left most of the rest of the schedule alone.

I didn’t get a lot of other stuff around the house accomplished.

But, we got all of the stuff done we were supposed to do and I’m happy it worked out.

Now there will be a period of quality testing and we are all hoping the number of defects and issues will be low so we don’t have to do this again before the release.

This is my first work on a releasable consumer software product since the late 1980’s (?)