
Mississippi primaries

[Today’s run: Watson Road 3.5 miles]

Today was the Mississippi primary and we toddled over to West Lowndes High School and did our thing.

I’m not sure if I have ever voted in a primary before, maybe in Illinois.  Iowa has a caucus and Colorado has a caucus.   Caucuses are kind of interesting because you get to talk to other people and make a case for a candidate, if you so desire.  Primaries are just another  vote.   (I think, in the misty past, I once voted in a Democratic Primary in Chicago.  Then I had to dodge party solicitations until the next round when I changed back to Independent.)

I voted in the Republican primary.  The ballot had  US Rep, US Senator and President on it. The President position was interesting because there were a lot of names on there that are no longer active in the election.   I wonder if any of those folks actually will get many votes?

And they had “write in”.  But I already have a job and I don’t want to move to D.C. anyway.   And which of my friends or acquaintances would I like to send into such a position?

The polling place was not overly busy, but there were people in the booths when we arrived, around 10 am, and people coming in when we left.  So I guess that means a steady stream.


2 replies on “Mississippi primaries”

Say Walt, I am curious. What kind of ID did they ask for. Up in Ithaca, NY we just walk in and they take our word for it – we usually bring driver’s licence and passport just in case.

BTW that gem of an HBR that you picked up is super clean and neat. I love those long gangs of ceramic switches – those were the days!

Kris KM2KM

Kris, this is Chris’s website, not Walt’s.

In Mississippi they asked for no ID.

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